Sunday School

Sunday School, which convenes at the same time as the church service, is provided for young children through young adults up to the age of 20.

When attending Sunday School, students are taught of God’s love for them.  Bible stories, the Ten Commandments, the Beatitudes, and other practical spiritual tools are used to help children cope with life’s everyday challenges.  Students are provided the opportunity to discuss how they can use these principles to help in decision making and healing.

Social activities, art projects, and sharing with those in need are part of the dialogue and objectives of our Sunday School.  It is our sincere prayer that students attending Sunday School will leave each week with some simple prayer, or thought, or goal that will help them with their own spiritual journeys or circumstances.

One teenage student was recently quoted: “I love the activities that we do.  I really enjoy being with people that I trust and care for.  Sunday School has helped me be a better person.”

Gratitude and the Golden Rule are at the heart of Sunday School.